
Thursday, July 19, 2012

A new recruit

I have this box of mismatched, uneven, and not-quite-square squares that are screaming to be rescued and put into an appropriate quilt. Unfortunately, they are already sewn together. **sad face** So my seam ripper and I have been spending some quality time working over this mess. I have been making steady progress with the help of my latest recruit. Nicholas is always eager to lend a hand and is a great helper. For a while I hesitated to let a six-year-old have the seam ripper, but he was very insistent. I finally caved, and he has proven to be a seam-rippin' fool! Yesterday, I caught him kicked back, seam ripper in hand, working away.
Thanks Nick!

Hopefully with Nick's help, I will soon get this phase of the project finished. Then I can start trimming and designing. I hope I can get what is in my head onto this quilt. I'll keep you updated as I think this will turn into a fun project.


  1. Looks like you have an awesome helper!!!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I am going to reply here because you are a no-reply blogger. Little Red just stands up. It's the funniest thing. I think due to the quilting, small size and I use a lot of spray sizing when stands up great. If I wash it, I am sure it will lose all that stiffness. I won't be washing though, it'll hang nice and straight as is. Take care, Linda

    1. Linda, Thanks for letting me know my "no-reply" status. I didn't even know, but I've got that changed now.

      I love, love, love Little Red. How cool that it stands on its own! I just went to and got the book (among other things.)

      Happy Quilting,

  2. What a great helper! He's cute as the dickens. I love looking at your quilt photos!
