
Friday, August 24, 2012

Lisa Sipes trunk show

Last week, the Missour Kansas Machine Quilters Guild (MKMQG) hosted quilter Lisa Sipes who had a trunk show and shared much quilty goodness. The fuchsia hair, piercing and tattaoos may have been an eye opener for some of our more seasoned quilters, but she was very entertaining and brought some stunning quilting to share. The quilt below won a blue ribbon at MQS 2011 in the embroidery category and features some incredible micro-quilting. This was also the first quilt Lisa entered in a show (and had been quilting for only two years at that point!) WOW! The purple photo below this one is the back side of this quilt. The gold is the quilting.

I love the ruler work on these. Those three little lines are only an eighth inch apart. I would have loved to have seen first hand how the heck she did this.

I had seen many of these quilts online, but they were just incredible in person. Thanks, Lisa, for sharing your amazing work!


  1. Replies
    1. I know. I was in awe! I wish I could watch her quilt in person. I can't quite wrap my head around how she does such cool stuff.

  2. She's an awesome quilter and an awesome person, too!!

  3. Love love LOVE McLisa and her work! Always fun and always amazing! I was so super excited when she agreed to speak at our guild meeting and show us her work "up close and personal". THANKS MCLISA!!!
